Mandir for Home

The Hindu Agamas are a set of scriptures that can be referred to as treatises of a theological order and typically are a practice manual for Pooja or divine worship. Tantras, mantras and yantras are all agamas. The agamas explain the rituals of worship of God in the form of idols or in temples. The agamas Gnana, Yoga, Kriya and Charya are four forms which portray knowledge, concentration, esoteric ritual and exoteric forms of worship.
Details of ontology and cosmology, devotion, liberation, meditation, mantras, charms, temple building, image creation, family observances and social rules, festivals and so on, are illustratively portrayed in the agamas. These are divided into Vaishnava, Saiva and Sakta based on the three sects of Hinduism. Since the earliest days of religious history, the role of worship in puja mandirs for home was central to the Indian context. Special attention used to be given to their brilliant craftsmanship and kings and common folk used to compete among their peers to adorn their deities in the finest of the mandirs.
This splendid pooja mandir cabinet is one of our unique products with an unconventional but wonderous design and beauty. Beauty is integral to art and art is an expression of beauty. This cabinet’s artistry is unique in it that it sports a rotund design while most conventional mandirs are based on a square, rectangular, or other designs as in octagonal or hexagonal shapes. This circular mandir is a feast to the eye and can be used to seat any deity of favour. Made of dark rosewood, this charming instrument could perhaps draw the interest of the divine goddess Lakshmi herself, the goddess of wealth and beauty.
This marvelous puja mandir is based on a round platform seated on six beautifully sculpted legs modeled as rising salutary elephants. This unique base itself demonstrates the structure’s exquisiteness. The rim of this base is bordered with a continuing petal design. Over this is a pedestal from the surface of which rises the pillar foursome. The sanctum rises above the surface of this pedestal a little behind from the front. The image of the deity can be placed here and the rest of the platform can be used to place the puja ingredients. The roof of the circular structure is attached to the pillars through intricately carved brackets and miniscule metal bells are hung from the outer edge. From above the roof the circular vimana of the structure rises in three levels with each level bearing delicately carved murals positioned as the railings, betwixt which intermittent lesser shikaras rise at regular levels and spaces. The kalasha of the temple has one central main shikaram surrounded by subsidiary shikaras.
This magnificent piece of art could be a choice instrument in expressing your devotion to the lord and housing it in your Pooja chamber will ensure the perpetual blessings of the divine murthy installed here. We are delivering our products to India, USA, UK, Australia and all over the world.